Hank Phillippi Ryan on Sisters in Crime and MWA — and how it felt to finish her 1st book

Local author/reporter Hank Phillippi Ryan, while talking about the support of Sisters in Crime and the Mystery Writers of America for writing her latest book, The Other Woman (which came out Tuesday), briefly mentions the exhilaration she had when finishing her first book.

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Interview with debut novelist Rosie Sultan, author of Helen Keller in Love

cover of Helen Keller in Love by Rosie SultanRosie Sultan’s historial novel Helen Keller in Love, published by Viking on May 1, has been featured in Good Housekeeping magazine, The Huffington Post, Deep South magazine, Library Journal and Booklist.

The Brookline resident won a PEN Discovery Award for a novel-in-progress, House of Teeth, nominated by historian Howard Zinn. She earned her MFA at Goddard College in Vermont and was a fellow at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She has taught writing at Boston University, the University of Massachusetts, and Suffolk University.

Boston Writers Review founder Stanley Dankoski interviewed Sultan about her experiences as an emerging writer in the Boston area. Read on for the interview, an excerpt of her novel, and upcoming events — including a Grub Street book club on Thursday night this week.

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