‘Chalk Circle’ editor Tara Masih interviewed on Scrybes TV show

The Chalk Circle, winner of the Stepping Stones Award and edited by Tara Masih

The Chalk Circle, winner of the Skipping Stones Award and edited by Tara Masih

Tara Masih, editor of the anthology The Chalk Circle: Intercultural Prizewinning Essays, recently was interviewed by Two Scrybes Media about how her standalone book of intercultural essays came about.

Included in the collection are essays by Boston writers Tilia Klebenov Jacobs and Katrina Grigg-Saito.

Produced by Michael Robert Berry and Lara L. Croft, Scrybes is a public access television show in Plaistow, N.H.

Video of the interview is below, as is another segment where Masih talks about her own short story collection, Where the Dog Star Never Glows.

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Elizabeth Searle: A writer fascinated with the dark side of American culture

Elizabeth Searle (Photo by Mark Karlsberg/Studio11)

Elizabeth Searle (Photo by Mark Karlsberg/Studio11)

Doug Holder of the blog Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene interviewed Boston writer Elizabeth Searle, author of Girl Held in Home.

Doug Holder writes:

Writer Elizabeth Searle talks with a rapid-fire cadence, has an engaging laugh, and an optimistic sparkle to her eyes. But beneath this lies a writer who is interested in the darker side of American culture-the side obsessed with competition and winning at all costs.

I talked with Searle on my Somerville Community Access TV show: Poet to Poet: Writer to Writer.

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Interview with debut novelist Rosie Sultan, author of Helen Keller in Love

cover of Helen Keller in Love by Rosie SultanRosie Sultan’s historial novel Helen Keller in Love, published by Viking on May 1, has been featured in Good Housekeeping magazine, The Huffington Post, Deep South magazine, Library Journal and Booklist.

The Brookline resident won a PEN Discovery Award for a novel-in-progress, House of Teeth, nominated by historian Howard Zinn. She earned her MFA at Goddard College in Vermont and was a fellow at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She has taught writing at Boston University, the University of Massachusetts, and Suffolk University.

Boston Writers Review founder Stanley Dankoski interviewed Sultan about her experiences as an emerging writer in the Boston area. Read on for the interview, an excerpt of her novel, and upcoming events — including a Grub Street book club on Thursday night this week.

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Nichole Bernier interviews herself at The Nervous Breakdown


TNB Fiction | Nichole Bernier: The TNB Self-Interview | The Nervous Breakdown.

Nichole Bernier is author of the novel The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D. (Crown/Random House, June 5, 2012). She has written for magazines including Conde Nast Traveler, ELLE, Health, Men’s Journal, and Child,and is a founder of the literary blog Beyond the Margins. She lives outside of Boston with husband and five children, and is at work on her second novel. She can be found at nicholebernier.com, on Facebook and on Twitter @nicholebernier. Signed copies of the novel can be purchased online through her local indie, http://wellesley.indiebound.com/nichole-bernier.