Radio Boston’s summer book picks, and more summer news

More recent news from the Boston literati! We have summer reads, book trailers, the end of the world, the expansion of a bookstore, burlesque ballet and more. There has been a lot happening in the greater Boston area, and soon we’ll clue you in on upcoming events as well. Continue reading

Nichole Bernier interviews herself at The Nervous Breakdown


TNB Fiction | Nichole Bernier: The TNB Self-Interview | The Nervous Breakdown.

Nichole Bernier is author of the novel The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D. (Crown/Random House, June 5, 2012). She has written for magazines including Conde Nast Traveler, ELLE, Health, Men’s Journal, and Child,and is a founder of the literary blog Beyond the Margins. She lives outside of Boston with husband and five children, and is at work on her second novel. She can be found at, on Facebook and on Twitter @nicholebernier. Signed copies of the novel can be purchased online through her local indie,